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  • transformative experience to ignite a vision of knowledge and action to save the oceans


  • deep and personal connection to oceans and the natural world in the extraordinary beauty of the Salish Sea and the San Juan Islands


  • discussion and awareness of the current "state of affairs" of local waterways (rivers, Salish Sea) and ways for participants to take action â€‹


  • leadership experience, discovery of innate qualities, and practical mindfulness tools for everyday life


  • opportunities for student-led research projects for deeper exposure and learning (201 or 301) as part of college prep and admissions


  • experience research methodologies, field research and journaling, professional protocols, and marine biology fundamentals (meets NGSS)


  • ongoing supportive community of like-minded friends


  • connection to mentors who can provide references for college admissions and guidance into the future


  • college prep marine biology fundamentals with a take home catalogue of learning, personal reflection, and field research methodologies


  • participation in on-going ocean health monitoring field survey, quantitative and qualitative research methodology, long-term data collection, experience with marine research tools


  • partnerships with local organizations and scientists for research projects: micro/meso/macro marine plastic sampling, endangered tufted puffin surveys, water quality tests, ocean acidification monitoring, harbor porpoise and pinniped survey, and more


  • immersion into marine ecology fundamentals to include ecosystem connections, hydrophone deployment, phytoplankton and zooplankton netting and microscopic observation, ID of marine flora (sea grasses) and fauna (seabirds, seals, sea lions, humpback, minke, orca, porpoise, and more!)


  • guardians service projects (earning 10 hrs. community service credit)


  • collaborative small-group learning (5:2 student to teacher ratio) with research equipment available for every student



  • creation of a personal take-home action plan to include personal commitments and ideas to bring back to the school and community


  • equip students to connect to local, regional and/or global ecosystem continued learning


  • encourage involvement in action networks to continue protecting the oceans


  • inspire to protect and commit to a healthy body and mind as part of ongoing community support


  • support student-led environmental campaigns 




Each day includes fun boat-based and local island-based educational adventures  throughout the San Juan Islands.

Student participants experience a vast amount of environmental richness as they look at all levels of ecosystem health, from water quality to whales!


Each day includes a different research project requiring active student participation for data collection to help monitor ecosystem health.

This is great exposure to marine scientific inquiry, marine research equipment, survey methodologies, long term data sets, quantitative analysis, field research, and more.


We are so proud to also include discussions and suggestions for personal action steps each student can take to continue improving ecosystem health every day.  This includes simple at-home steps or learning about the importance of letter writing to elected officials. 

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Shoreline Exploration Adventures

S.E.A. is a shore-based program for K-8th graders to experience the incredible marine life that depends on a healthy Salish Sea !

Each session focuses on a specific group of marine mammals (Fins, Feathers, Salmon, etc.) and includes our three pillars of influence: adventure, research, and action. 

Cost: $100


Puffin Protectors or Southern Resident Superheroes

A shore-based summer program for K-8th graders focused on the endangered Tufted Puffins of Washington State.

Puffin protectors and Southern Resident Superheroes includes forest to shore hiking adventures, marine ecosystem learning, tidal pool exploration, and an understanding of the endangered tufted puffins and endangered Southern Resident orcas.

Cost: $600

Guardians of the Sea

Guardians of the Sea is a four day (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) daily boat and local island based educational adventure that spans the marine ecosystem.

From eel grass, forage fish, seals, and seabirds, we believe experiential education initiates a desire to protect and restore our natural world. 

Cost: $1,100

Student Training as Research Scientists (STaRS)

Student Training as Research Scientists is a shore-and boat-based year-long field research project. Students can choose a specific area of focus such as marine birds, orcas, or porpoises to study alongside a local research scientist. 

This project culminates in a year-end community presentation. 

Cost: $1800

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