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stormwater outfall_tim_guemes channel trail.jpg
Stormwater is the number one source of toxic contamination in Puget Sound. Read more here.

Did you know...

The Salish Sea School is studying the types and amounts of contaminants flowing out of local outfalls directly into the Salish Sea.

We are sampling for:
Heavy Metals (Copper, Zinc, and Lead)
Diesel and Heavy Oils in Water
Total Suspended Solids (TSSS)


Example site below: The Anacortes Ferry terminal outfall we are testing can be seen circled in red, below. The other outfalls we are testing (in partnership with Friends of Skagit Beaches) are seen designated by the yellow arrows in the second image.

stormwater outfalls.png

Local students also helped to create the outreach brochure seen below. This will be passed out to students/families at local high schools and in their communities. This brochure will inform families how they can help reduce the contaminants entering stormwater at their homes. Good work Alan and Aracely!

FINAL Stormwater page.png
FINAL Stormwater page (1).png
This project is funded through a Public Participation Grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The content was reviewed for grant consistency but is not necessarily endorsed by the agency.​
What is stormwater?
Water following a rain or snow storm that does not sink into the ground. 

What pollutants are found in stormwater?
A few of the pollutants that are found in stormwater include:
  • Solids
  • Oxygen-demanding substances
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus
  • Pathogens
  • Petroleum hydrocarbons
  • Metals
  • Synthetic organics
A recent study done by the University of Washington discovered a very toxic chemical (6-PPD) found in tires. Learn more here: â€‹Where the rubber meets the road
Learn more about stormwater mangement below:


Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington


Neat stormwater project


Phenomenal timelapse of a project


Swale on Yale info:




City of Anacortes Stormwater website 


Anacortes Stormwater Useful Link


Toxic Free Future



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